Efficiency explained and intro to diesel miles per gallon

The big question today with the on going fuel crisis is how to get better fuel economy. Well to truly understand why a diesel engine is better, your going to have to know how it works mechanically.

Most people know how a gas job works, by gas job I mean a gasoline engine. A gas engine has a fuel rail that distributes fuel to the firing chamber and a spark plug ignites the fuel, but the more you push the pedal, the more fuel is put into the engine and the injectors speed up and put more fuel into the engine. When the throttle plate is wide open the right chemical reaction takes place.

Now on to more important things, a diesel engine fuel system is almost like a gasoline engine, but there is no restriction of air. The whole concept of the engine is to force as much air as possible into the engine. The fuel is put in to the firing chamber at a very high pressure most commonly around 35,000pis; when the air and fuel come together it ignites on contact. There are no spark plugs needed, which results in a smaller amout of fuel needed to operate.

To conclude this post, the average diesel veichle gets 50 mpg and the average gasoline vehicle gets 30 mph. The most important thing to know when it comes to diesel miles per gallon and fuel economy is that the more performance upgrades you add to your vehicle the better fuel economy you get. Check back soon for more info on diesel performance and comparisons.


Julie P.Q. said...

You have a lot of fantastic details here...but for those of us (like me) who are car ignorant as far as mechanics are concerned, how about adding an image, like a diagram? A diagram of a diesel engine would allow us to transfer the text information and conceptualize it visually. Think about it!

RYNO said...

Got it I will add an image of the engine. Thanks