Hybrid sales verses Diesel sales in the US

So I commute from Richmond, VA to Ft. Belvoir, VA on a daily basis. I have made it a point to look at the cars around me just to see what types of vehicles are out there. Of course I see more gas burning cars than anything else but I have seen an ever growing amount of hybrids and diesel vehicles.

I was very curious to actually see which type of clean burning or high efficiency vehicle was outselling the other and was very pleased when I saw that diesel vehicles are actually higher than hybrid vehicle sales. Quoted below from Matthias Wissmann, President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)

"It is absolutely appropriate to name 2008 the year of breakthrough for clean diesel in the United States. Beware and do not misinterpret the market share of only 3 percent, which is indeed still low. It is just an indication of the calm before the storm and is driven primarily by model cycles. According to J.D. Power projections, the percentage of diesel vehicles in the total number of new vehicle registrations in the U.S. will multiply to 15 percent by 2015 - and the German brands will land in the top rankings." Last year, diesel cars still outperformed hybrid models in light vehicle sales at the rate of 480,000 versus 350,000 units.

Check back soon for more diesel facts and statistics. Coming soon the number one best selling diesel vehicle in the US.


Julie P.Q. said...

Whoa! You commute from *Richmond*? to Belvoir? How many miles is that (about 90 one way)? No wonder you drive a diesel!

Was this commute a reason to pick your particular car? And are those statistics that you mention in your post from U.S. sales?

RYNO said...

Yes I commute from Midlothian Virginia to Fort Belvoir. It is around 112 miles one way. I actually dont drive a diesel. But I want to buy a diesel as my next commuter vehicle. But I have a saturn that gets 35 to 40 miles per gallon so when that car dies i will finally get my VW.

B Pipes said...

One question since you are comparing hybrid and diesel; Have you done the math yet to find out which is cheaper? Sure they are close in fuel economy, diesel probably has a slight advantage, but overall what is cheaper. How much does your average diesel run for compared to the average hybrid? Does the price of gas compared to diesel compinsate for that margin of better economy? If diesel passes these tests then put that shit up there and it will help your cause.